Hello, love! I’m Jenny.

How are you doing?

The real You.

The You who feels misunderstood.

The You who is discovering your voice.

The You who is learning to build self-trust.

The You who is overcoming past pain.

The You who wonders if anyone is safe to open up to.

The You who is navigating the ups and downs of reparenting yourself.

The You who is done with defaulting to feeling numb.

The You who is ready to heal. To ‘do the work.’ To find your way out of the Dark Place and back into the Light.

I see you. I hear you. And I’m listening. Being You is an individual experience, and no one can ever really know what it’s like to be You. But I do know what it feels like to feel scared, stuck, and lost. Hope and help are waiting whenever you’re ready.

Who were you before the world told you who you needed to become in order to belong, be accepted, and be loved?

Discover Authentic Alignment

If you are seeking to create an empowered, fully conscious life of radical authenticity and meaningful connections with yourself and others, you’re in the right place. The healthiest version of you awaits.

Who I Am

The exact opposite of toxic positivity.

My name is Jenny, and I am a Licensed Therapist (LISW-CP) and Certified Adult Chair Master Life Coach. Prior to this, I was an elementary school teacher, and someone who felt fragmented. I could sense the pieces of who I was meant to be trying to come together, but things like depression, anxiety, and self-doubt were getting in the way – blocking me from being who I knew I was meant to become. My own personal journey towards healing and recovery is what helped the pieces of me all come together. It’s the story that brought me to where I am and who I am today. 

What I Believe

The feeling of being ‘stuck’ is just that. It’s a feeling. It’s not necessarily a reality. In reality, most people have a ‘gap’ situation rather than a ‘stuck’ problem – and that’s really good news! Because we can bridge, close, and fill in gaps by discovering every part of who we are.

Every client’s journey is unique, and I vow to meet you where you are and provide you with a safe, nurturing environment where you are free to be yourself and share your struggles openly. No topic is off limits, nothing is TMI, and nothing you share is going to be judged by me. I will walk alongside you as you grow a deeper love for yourself and for the life you were born to live.

Who I Help

All hearts deserve healing, and there is hope for every wounded Soul.

My clients are mostly Adults, Young Adults, and Adolescents who feel lost, stuck, and misunderstood.

  • They want to live from the inside out.

  • They want to stop feeling controlled by external influences.

  • They want to heal from past traumas and overcome anxiety, depression, and self-doubt.

  • They crave meaningful, authentic connections with their inner self and with others.

  • They are tired of feeling lost and unworthy.

  • They want to confidently step into an empowered and fully conscious life of radical authenticity.

  • They are ready to become the healthiest version of themselves.

  • They want to make decisions today that their future selves will thank them for.

  • They want to be grounded and know who they are and why they are here.

My clients are courageous. They don’t typically ignore those feelings that nag at the edges of their heart. They boldly face their truth, own their truth, and live their truth.

That’s where I come in.

If you’re looking for someone who will smile, nod, and then tell you what you should do, I’m definitely NOT the right therapist/coach for you. If you are looking for someone who will help you uncover the truth within you and create a safe space for your healing process to unfold, then it sounds like we might be a perfect match!

Generally, my approach is best suited for people who want to:

  • Heal from trauma

  • Reconcile past pain

  • Manage or overcome anxiety and depression

  • Break unhealthy patterns of behavior

  • Build or rebuild self-trust

  • Improve their relationship with themselves

  • Forge healthy, meaningful, authentic relationships

  • Discover their Soul purpose in life

  • Speak and live their truth with confidence

My Adult clients often come to me in the midst of a quarter or mid-life crisis. Major life disappointments have left them feeling empty, broken, unappreciated, and misunderstood, but they know they will find freedom through healing. I work closely with my Adult clients to help them heal every part of who they are. As they learn nurturing ways to comfort and reparent the younger version of themselves, they break free from unhealthy patterns of behavior and become the healthy adult they always wanted.

The Adolescent and Young Adult clients I work with also feel misunderstood, but in a different way. From peer pressure, to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, I understand my younger clients very well. The social dynamics and emotional experiences they cope with are exhausting. They are figuring out how to both fit in and stand out, and they are emotionally separating from parents – which is a natural and necessary development progression. I help my younger clients navigate internal dialogue and cultivate good mental health, so they are empowered to confidently make choices that set the future version of them up for success.

How I Help

A therapeutic approach as unique as you

Every part of who we are functions as a building block of who we are meant to become. If you feel like some part of you is missing, then let’s Soul-search and find it! I will meet you right where you are in your healing journey and work with you to develop a healing plan that is custom curated to your specific needs. My approach to navigating the therapeutic landscape is diverse, and I utilize a variety of therapeutic techniques and coaching methodologies to help you flourish.

Some of my most popular techniques include:

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  • Trauma-Focused CBT

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Psychoeducation

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Mindfulness

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy

  • The Adult Chair Model

Why I Help

I cannot fathom not helping.

Being a Therapist and Coach allows my truest, most authentic self to come alive. When I’m helping a client develop healthy coping skills and explore effective, healing ways to manage complex emotions, I’m living in full, conscious alignment with my life calling.

I genuinely care for others.

Human suffering and joy deeply matter to me. Every part of who I am – my life experiences, personality traits, skills, training, education – comes into seamless alignment when I connect with others in a therapeutic way. I do what I do because caring for others is who I am.

I am fulfilling my Soul purpose.

Empathy is my superpower. Connecting with others through compassionate care is what I was born to do. Whether it’s at the macro-community level or the micro-individual level, my energy center is grounded whenever I’m helping others heal. 

Embracing The Journey

The healing journey is often the path of becoming who you were always meant to be. It can feel like a lonely road, but there is no need to walk it alone. Having an expertly trained, compassionate guide to walk alongside you can make ‘doing the work’ an adventure of self-discovery. If you’re curious to learn more about how my approach to therapy and coaching can help you on your healing journey, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you. 

“We don’t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to.”

- Brené Brown, PhD,MW

Ready to find your authentic self?

Let me show you what it means to feel FULLY alive and passionate about life!