Transformational Coaching

Gain clarity on your life’s path through a deep exploration of your true, inner knowing. Heal from old, unhealthy patterns of the past, overcome blocks of the present, and create the empowered future you desire. 

You feel stuck, unsure, and lack confidence to make lasting changes in your life.

All humans experience challenges throughout their lives, sometimes to unmanageable levels. You may not feel you have the tools or emotional bandwidth to manage the stressors thrown at you, or you feel you are experiencing the same emotional patterns over and over again. The negative loop in your mind tells you “You’ll never be good enough,” or “There’s no way you will overcome this.” You may believe nobody could POSSIBLY understand what you’re going through and you will have to just accept the life you have, even though part of you longs for more.

Believe it or not, more is possible.

Transformational life coaching can help you gain clarity on your goals, uncover blocks that keep you stuck, and give you tools and strategies to confidently create the life you desire!

Imagine a life where you are fully connected to yourself and understand what makes you tick. Life coaching can help you go on a deep exploration of who you’ve always been before the world told you who to be. Utilizing a specialized and unique set of tools and techniques, you can learn how to reconnect to your true essence and desires in order to live a confident, fulfilled, and empowered life.

Through transformational coaching, you will gain understanding of unhealthy, repetitive patterns and build confidence to align the desires of your heart and soul with the actions you take on your unique path. 

Oftentimes, the ways in which we handle those stressors are shaped through the lens of our own past experiences. We live life unconsciously. Transformational life coaching can help you feel connected with your inner knowing, empowered to embrace and express your truth, and equipped with the tools to live consciously. 

Transformational life coaching can help you feel:

  • Empowered to live the life you desire

  • Less triggered

  • Confidence to live more authentically

  • More hopeful for the future

  • A deeper connection to yourself and others

    And cultivate:

  • Healthier relationships and improved communication

  • Healing from past traumas

  • Feelings of calm and presence in your life

  • Self-compassion, self-love, and self-trust

  • Desire to live as the healthiest version of yourself!

Utilizing a unique blend of traditional and progressive models of treatment, including The Adult Chair® model, you will receive a holistic perspective of your own personal blocks and gain a deeper understanding of your journey: past, present, and future.

  • Uncover what your heart truly longs for

  • Identify blocks that keep you stuck in old, unhealthy patterns

  • Gain insight to how you may be living out of alignment with your true desires

  • Implement tools to understand and manage your emotions

  • Navigate and manage triggers within relationships

Together, we will: 

  • Raise awareness to the various ‘parts’ of you that may be running your life

  • Step into your power and nurture yourself with compassion

  • Heal from past events or traumas that cloud your present-day experiences

  • Live from the healthiest, most conscious version of yourself

  • Improve communication, both toward yourself and with others

By working with a life coach, you will gain clarity, develop strategies, stay accountable, and empower yourself to make changes and live a meaningful and fulfilling life!

What to expect during your transformational coaching session

Beginning virtual coaching can bring up various thoughts and emotions. However, it is important to remember: You are offering yourself a gift. Engaging in your healing journey is a courageous act of self-love and is worth being celebrated!

Each session is 60-minutes long and is held through a unique and secure telehealth platform. It is important to be in a quiet room where you feel comfortable and safe to share and express openly. Conversation is free-flowing, and experiential exercises and tools provided during the session are tailored to your specific goals and current life challenges. You will walk away with practical tools and homework to help deepen your growth between sessions.

Find more tips on getting the most out of your upcoming Telehealth appointments here.

Adolescents + Young Adults

Ages 14-22 looking for guidance to discover who they are, build confidence and resilience, and learn skills to live a full and healthy life!

Your adolescent or young adult could benefit from transformational life coaching if he/she is experiencing:

  • Physical changes

  • Emotional distress, including anxiety and depression

  • Academic stress

  • Social and peer pressures

  • Family issues

  • Low self-esteem

  • Poor sense of identity

  • Navigating ‘adult’ decisions for their future

Teenage and young adult years can be some of the most challenging years of a person’s life. But they don’t have to be. With the right support and tools, they can learn to embrace life with joy, confidence, and authenticity.

Who can benefit from transformational life coaching?

Individual Adults

  • Identify blocks keeping you in repetitive, unhealthy patterns

  • Gain insight to how you may be living out of alignment with your true desires

  • Heal from past traumas or events clouding your present-day experiences

Ages 23+ who are ready to heal from their past, make meaningful changes in their lives, and live from the healthiest, most authentic version of themselves.

You could benefit from transformational life coaching if you want to:

  • Learn how to feel and process your emotions, uncover and gain confidence in who you truly are, and improve communication

  • Gain clarity, direction, and guidance to reach your goals and achieve your highest potential!

Transformational life coaching can empower you to build self-confidence, embrace your unique qualities, learn tools to manage life’s challenges, and take ownership of your life!

Couples + Families

2-3 person sessions for those looking to improve their relationships, work through challenging times, and reconnect with each other.

You could benefit from couples or family transformational coaching sessions if you want to:

  • Improve communication and listening skills

  • Connect with each other on a deeper level

  • Understand each others’ needs and wants

  • Rebuild trust after betrayal

  • Cultivate safety and emotional intimacy

  • Learn to set boundaries

  • Manage conflict in a healthy way

  • Get ‘unstuck’ from a rut and find joy with each other!

Couple and family transformational coaching can help deepen vulnerability and connection with your loved ones in order to have fulfilling relationships, more fun and enjoyment, and feel a sense of safety and openness with each other!

  • “I have such deep gratitude for having an incredible coach like Jenny in my life! She also will give you good resources and "homework" to help you on your path in between sessions, if that's something that you desire. She is very flexible and always comes into each session willing to selflessly help. Every session is transformative, and Jenny really wants to help you-- if you are open, I highly encourage you to take advantage!”


  • “As a therapist and someone who has had different types of therapy over the course of many years, nothing has yet been so powerful and truly transformational as the work I've done with Jenny. I've worked through some of the toughest things that I've never had the courage to even admit to myself, let alone trust anyone else with. She is so warm, genuine and non-judgemental. Jenny is such an amazing human and incredibly talented coach. I'm so grateful to have found her!“


  • “Jenny has great insight on how to decipher what you are trying to say when YOU feel like it's mumbo jumbo in your head. She is very clear on her intentions to get you to a "better " place. Since working with Jenny, I am more grounded and aware of my emotions and where I feel them in my body. I was so blocked I didn't even know where the feelings were. It takes time and working on yourself isn't easy, BUT it's so worth it!!”


  • “Jenny has helped me discover who I really am through gentle, inquiring questions that compel me to think rather than to stay in “act” mode. I continue to think on those topics in-between our talks; it’s not so scary doing hard things with her. Now I don’t wear the guilt and shame I was trained as a child to adult to accept and own. I can speak up with my own voice.”


  • “I am truly blessed to have had Jenny Jansen as a coach this past year! She has set such a great example, helping me to become a story-buster and to live in fact and truth. I feel like it was divine timing to have found such a sweet, kind, compassionate, intuitive coach helping me on my journey in finding peace within myself! “


It’s time for YOU!

Are you ready to invest in your future? 

Don’t spend another day feeling defeated, disconnected, or unworthy. Let me help you become the healthiest version of yourself.

Book your session now and join me in living consciously.  

Tranformational Life Coaching

  • Life coaching is a process that empowers individuals to take ownership of their lives, embrace their unique qualities, and make conscious decisions that lead to personal fulfillment, success, and well-being. It is a collaborative process that encourages clients to tap into their inner strengths and resources, enabling them to create positive and lasting changes in various aspects of their lives.

  • The Adult Chair® is a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair® model, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.

    The Adult Chair® helps you understand the three main parts that make up all of us: the Child, the Adolescent, and the Adult. When you understand which Chair you are in at any given moment, you will gain greater self-awareness, live in your healthy Adult more often, and become a more grounded, peaceful, and empowered human.

  • Your investment in individual sessions is $155 per one-hour session. Couples/two-person family sessions are $185 per hour, and 3-person family sessions are $225 per hour. You may opt for a 30-minute add-on for an additional charge at the time of booking).

    You will provide your payment method upon booking, which, unless otherwise specified, will be processed through Square at the end of session. Forms of payment can include credit, debit, or HSA cards. Venmo or PayPal may also be used upon request.

  • Each person’s experience varies and we will work together to determine the frequency of sessions that best fits your needs. In the beginning, many opt to meet weekly or biweekly to get a kickstart to their healing journey, later tapering to less frequent appointments and/or tune-ups.

  • You are ready to heal from your past, make meaningful changes in your life, and step into and live from your highest, most authentic self.