Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that’s not answered below, please reach out via email.

General FAQs

  • Therapy and coaching are two separate approaches to personal growth and mental health. Therapy focuses on the past and reducing mental health symptoms; Coaching focuses on overcoming blocks to reach desired goals.

    For a more detailed look at the similarities and differences between the two, visit our Therapy + Coaching Page.

    Therapy + Coaching Page.

  • The Adult Chair® is a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair® model, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.

    The Adult Chair® helps you understand the three main parts that make up all of us: the Child, the Adolescent, and the Adult. When you understand which Chair you are in at any given moment, you will gain greater self-awareness, live in your healthy Adult more often, and become a more grounded, peaceful, and empowered human.

  • Utilizing a combination of mindful listening, deep questioning and exploration, experiential tools, and embodiment practices, you will be supported in examining the beliefs, attitudes, and self-limiting patterns preventing you from moving forward in your life. You will gain understanding of your true essence and learn to live in alignment with your values and desires.

    Holistic therapy sessions are conducted through a secure online platform ( Upon booking, an appointment confirmation will be sent to your email, which will include the private link to join the session.

  • When needing to cancel, a 24-hour notice is required or you will be charged the full amount for the session. While reasons for missing appointments may be valid, you will still be financially responsible for this time, as it is dedicated specifically for you.

  • Your investment in individual sessions is $155 per one-hour session. Couples/two-person family sessions are $185 per hour, and 3-person family sessions are $225 per hour. You may opt for a 30-minute add-on for an additional charge at the time of booking).

    You will provide your payment method upon booking, which, unless otherwise specified, will be processed through Square at the end of session. Forms of payment can include credit, debit, or HSA cards. Venmo or PayPal may also be used upon request.

  • Due to the restrictions placed on therapy treatment, I do not file with insurance providers. Many companies dictate how many sessions a client may attend before they will stop paying for sessions, and they also may request documentation of what occurs in sessions in order to justify payment. Additionally, in order for insurance companies to consider care to be medically necessary, a mental health diagnosis is required. Many of my clients would rather not have a diagnosis recorded in their permanent health records. By not filing with insurance companies, your complete privacy is honored and protected while offering you more agency over your treatment. This guarantees we can decide on the best therapy plan for you without any outside influences.

    If you would like to submit for reimbursement of an out-of-network service, I can provide you with a receipt. Please be aware insurance requires a mental health diagnosis and the reimbursement rate varies based on your health insurance plan.

    (Please note coaching services are not recognized as a service eligible for coverage).

  • You can schedule an appointment directly here or through the “Book a session” button above!

    • Choose your appointment type (if you would like to add an additional 30 minutes to your appointment, you can do so at this time).

    • Scroll through my availability and choose the day/time you would like.

    • For new clients, you will fill in the initial client information and check that you have read and agree to the privacy policy, terms and conditions, and client agreements.

    • You will then be prompted to reserve your session by putting your payment method on file for later processing.

    • A confirmation will then be sent to the email address on file! Be on the lookout for email and text reminders for your appointment!

Transformational Life Coaching

  • Life coaching is a process that empowers individuals to take ownership of their lives, embrace their unique qualities, and make conscious decisions that lead to personal fulfillment, success, and well-being. It is a collaborative process that encourages clients to tap into their inner strengths and resources, enabling them to create positive and lasting changes in various aspects of their lives.

  • Each person’s experience varies and we will work together to determine the frequency of sessions that best fits your needs. In the beginning, many opt to meet weekly or biweekly to get a kickstart to their healing journey, later tapering to less frequent appointments and/or tune-ups.

  • You are ready to heal from your past, make meaningful changes in your life, and step into and live from your highest, most authentic self.

Holistic Therapy

  • Holistic therapy offers help with insight, self-discovery, and healing, giving you the personal empowerment to face life's challenges and reach your goals. It is an opportunity to grow as a person, heal past traumas, and create healthier habits and relationships.

    Holistic therapy sessions often focus on examining patterns in our behaviors and cultivating knowledge of coping skills in order to build long-term wellbeing.

  • The frequency and length of time in therapy is completely individualized and not always known at the beginning of your journey. In the beginning, many choose to meet weekly or every other week to get a jump-start in exploring their treatment goals, acquiring self-awareness and tools/techniques, and applying what they've learned to improve their quality of life. We will continue to assess need and frequency as you improve, tapering to less frequent visits and/or tune-ups as time goes on.

  • While this is not an exhaustive list, you may consider holistic therapy if:
    • You’ve experienced a life-changing or traumatic event
    • You are going through a transition in your life
    • You’d like an outsider's perspective on something you’re dealing with
    • You regularly feel overwhelmed, weighed down, stuck, or hopeless
    • You desire to discover more about yourself
    • Everything is okay, but you want to maintain or improve your well-being
    • Your coping strategies are not working like they used to
    • You often wonder if therapy could help improve your quality of life
    • You want to include mental and emotional wellness as part of your self-care routine