Get the most of your online session

In today’s world, online communication, especially telehealth, has become increasingly popular! Even when an in-person option is available, many are finding it more convenient and comfortable to opt for virtual sessions, as they can be in the comfort of their own space, don’t have to drive to or from a session (especially after heavy processing), and have greater options to choose a provider who best fits their needs. 

Photo by <a href="">Windows</a> on <a href="">Un

Here are some tips to get the most out of your online session! 

  1. Schedule Mindfully:

    Be sure to schedule your appointment at a time you can be fully present. For example, if your sessions bring up a lot of emotion, you may not want to schedule during your lunch break at work. Or if you struggle to get going in the morning, opt for an afternoon or evening appointment. Ensure the timing fits your unique needs. 

  2. Check your internet connection and technology:

    Before our session begins, be sure to check your internet connection, audio, and video settings to ensure you have a stable internet connection and your device's microphone and camera are functioning properly. Using headphones or earphones can improve the audio quality and maintain confidentiality, especially if you're in a shared space.

  3. Test the platform in advance:

    Familiarize yourself with the online platform before your session. Click here for a quick rundown of how to check in for our sessions using the secure platform, 


4. Find a quiet and private space:

Choose a quiet and private location where you can have your session without interruptions or distractions. This will help create a comfortable and confidential environment. If you share space with others, may opt to sit in their cars or outdoors, weather permitting. 

5. Bring comfort to your space:

Have a glass of water or soothing beverage, a journal to take notes or write down any insights you have, and a box of tissues.  You may also choose to light a candle or incense, have your favorite essential oils on hand, or sit with a comfortable pillow or cozy blanket. Have any comforting items on hand that promote relaxation, grounding, and safety.


6. Prepare for your session ahead of time:

Spend some time thinking about the topics you want to cover during your session. Write down your goals for the session, along with any thoughts, emotions, or difficulties you'd like to explore and process together. This can ensure focused attention on the goals you’d like to achieve.

7. Eliminate distractions:

To reduce distractions during your session, disable alerts on your devices and close out any unnecessary tabs or programs. This will assist in keeping you centered and focused.

8. Hide your front camera view:

Speaking of distractions, who wants to look at themselves while having deep, emotional experiences? allows you to hide your self-view by clicking on the three dots on your picture and clicking “Hide my preview.” This can help eliminate the ultimate distraction of constantly checking your outward appearance and focus on your internal experience.

9. Pencil in time to process post-session:

As tempting as it may be to just get on with your day, it is important to take time for post-session reflection and write down any new insights, experiences, or "takeaways" you learned. These observations can help deepen your progress and reflect on your growth over time.


10. Go easy on yourself and allow time to recover

In the case of an emotional session, you don't want to have any heavy commitments directly after your sessions so be mindful of when you schedule your sessions for and try to give yourself some time to take it easy afterwards.

Let’s Connect

Hi there! I’m Jenny, a licensed Holistic Therapist and Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach.

I combine both therapy and coaching methodologies to provide my clients with a holistic perspective and the techniques they need to flourish. Rediscovering who you were always meant to be is an act of courage, and radical self- love can turn unconscious paralysis into conscious growth. Learn more about me here.


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