Conscious Connections
The Power of Words – How to stop spiraling thought narratives
How aware are you of the words you use to describe your life? Do you use harsh or overly critical language when describing aspects of your life? Do you overgeneralize and speak negative, limiting, or, frankly, untrue words to describe your entire life when really, it is just one or two aspects that may be less than ideal? If certain situations or experiences cause your thoughts to spiral into dysregulation, then this blog is for you. This post explores how to shift from anxiety and dread to a more relaxed and empowered state so you can take aligned action toward change.
A message of hope for those in the messy middle of transformation
There comes a point in the healing process where everything changes. Everything.
Absolutely nothing is as it used to be. You’re not like you used to be. And you question everything you thought you knew. In the midst of all the confusion, you begin to realize that the old you – the you who started the healing journey – is no longer who you are today.
Friends… this is often the most painful part of healing.
So, what do you do when you’re no longer a caterpillar, but not yet a butterfly? What do you do when you feel stuck in the transformational middle between death and rebirth? What do you do when everything you are feels like a pile of goo wrapped in a thin, fragile chrysalis and your exposed, sensitive heart is full of uncertainty?
5 Affirmations to Release Victim Mentality and Welcome a Growth Mindset
A victim mindset is a continuous feeling that unsafe forces beyond your influence are controlling your life. Someone with a victim mindset will continuously regard themselves as a victim, even if they are not currently being victimized. Over time, victimization can become a part of someone’s self-identity. If we inspect a little further though, we will discover that a victim mentality is a subconscious function of the Inner Adolescent. Feeling exploited, fooled, controlled, or undermined can understandably lead to intense feelings of doubt and mistrust – feelings which often trigger an Adolescent Chair response.
Darkness cannot overshadow your true self: 5 Deep dark truths about healing
Most humans will muse over existential questions at some point in their life, and while we cannot provide perfectly satisfying answers to these tough questions, we can absolutely search our own hearts, reflect on our personal life experiences, and produce a potential solution to what many call, the ‘problem of pain.’
7 Therapeutic ways to practice self-care during the holidays
How do you feel when you think about the holidays? Does the mere mention of the festive season fill you with hopeful anticipation for glad tidings with great joy? Or does it trigger an eyeroll and a deep sigh of pre-holiday stress?
If the life season you are currently experiencing vibes well with the holiday season, that’s great! But if your emotional calendar is not syncing up with the holiday calendar – completely understandable! From seasonal joy to seasonal anxiety, the holidays can cause an array of complex emotions. Doing and being everything for everyone can be overwhelming, and around the holidays it can be easy to let self-care fall to the bottom of the to-do list. However, as you search for the perfect gift for everyone else, please remember to give yourself the precious gift of self-care.
Every part of who you are – Discovering your top three inner voices
Who is the most authentic you? Get to know every part of who you are by exploring your top three inner voices: the Child, the Adolescent, and the Adult.
Why your emotions matter & how to process emotions in a healthy way
“You are too emotional” and “stop being so emotional” are two phrases I deeply dislike. Emotions often get a bad reputation, and many people tend to treat emotions like unwelcome guests or something to be suppressed and ignored rather than embraced and valued. While emotions may appear inconvenient, I want you to know you are not ‘too much,’ and your emotions matter. They matter very much.
Therapy vs coaching – What's the difference and which one do I need?
Coaching vs Therapy: What is the difference, and which one is right for me? A guide to understanding the benefits of coaching vs therapy…